Sunday, August 1, 2010


"Lariska is a limber being clad in dark blue-green armor, though her left arm is completely mechanical due to punishment from the Shadowed One.
She is incredibly fast and agile, and can perform astounding acrobatic maneuvers. She does not like to rest, preferring to move around; she has been known to spontaneously start doing somersaults and backflips. She can be very quiet when hunting, and has acute senses, which were able to detect Nidhiki, even though he was using a Kanohi Volitak.
Lariska is considered to be one of the most dangerous of the Dark Hunters.
Lariska is known to carry throwing daggers, which she sometimes coats with poison. Currently, she carries a set of daggers made from Protosteel, which were given to the Dark Hunters by the Order of Mata Nui as payment."

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