Story, based on the original Bionicle story
"These people have migrated to another "planet" because of the attack of Makuta in their home planet. The villagers use Kanohi, invented by Mata-Nui to survive in this new landscape. There are six humans, each in a canister, floating in the endless ocean. The canisters respond to a signal and head for the nearest coast. These humans are Kenji, Sonia, Ven, Takeshi, Ryu and Max. Each have a Kanohi Power Device System, or KPDS for short, and in these systems lie the TOA heroes that are destined to awaken Mata-Nui. To fully use their power they work together, each with their bio-host and become a complete TOA MATA! to fight back the evil Makuta's attacks."
Episode 0
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
some of arts :
"This... power" (この力ダ)
Tuma - Tyrant of the Skrall
Toa Kopaka - warrior of ice
So this is Rebirth Chronicles?