Friday, June 11, 2010

Bionicle - Re-Birth Chronicles

BZP Member, Tohkann toa of arts , made this animation. So like much manga/japanise animation style. BZP Topic here!

Story, based on the original Bionicle story

"These people have migrated to another "planet" because of the attack of Makuta in their home planet. The villagers use Kanohi, invented by Mata-Nui to survive in this new landscape. There are six humans, each in a canister, floating in the endless ocean. The canisters respond to a signal and head for the nearest coast. These humans are Kenji, Sonia, Ven, Takeshi, Ryu and Max. Each have a Kanohi Power Device System, or KPDS for short, and in these systems lie the TOA heroes that are destined to awaken Mata-Nui. To fully use their power they work together, each with their bio-host and become a complete TOA MATA! to fight back the evil Makuta's attacks."

Episode 0
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4

some of arts :

"This... power" (この力ダ)
Tuma - Tyrant of the Skrall
Toa Kopaka - warrior of ice

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